Sunday, July 22, 2007

Greetings and Salutations

We are back from our vacation. It was wonderful and invigorating, but alas, we got back last week and had to jump right back into our lives. Massage therapy semester two started the next day, and then I had to have my two upper wisdom teeth removed on Thursday. Needless to say, I haven't eaten much beyond applesauce and mashed potatoes this weekend.

I plan on posting our pictures from all the canyons we visited as well as a good write up, but first I need to go study massage material about whiplash and migraine headaches. I hope to have a decent post ready for tomorrow.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of the trip: The elusive California Condor, soaring gracefully in the sky above the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

If you don't know the story about the California Condor at the Grand Canyon, please go here. It is a touching story about a captive breeding program, which I am not always in total agreement with, but this time it worked well.

Welcome back! Can't wait to see your photos, the one of the condor is amazing.
Brooke, welcome back.

Sorry about the wisdom teef. Been there! Fortunately, it's a quick-healing thing and you'll be back to regular delish vegan eating *beyond the always tasty applesauce and mashes po's* in no time!

GREAT glorious photograph of the CA condor, a bird near and dear to my SoCal heart... terrific link there as well, thank you for posting.

Can hardly wait to hear more about your trip and see pix of all the canyons. Some of my fave places!! YEAH!! Excited to read what you're gonna write.

Massage therapy... cool. My pal Peter took classes in that and wants to take more in the future. i rather enjoy being one of his "patients" when he needs to practice his technique. Hope your semester goes well!

brooke, i just wanted to let you know that i love your blog. we have a lot in common. i was a student midwife for three years but now i'm also finishing my doula certification (although i'm in graduate school to become an ND; i have such a passion for birth i just cannot let it go!). i grew up in mesa and i'm with you on getting the heck out of there; it is horrible. i'm in utah now which isn't a lot better. i hate the desert too. oh, and i also have a vegan blog. so there ya go, we're soulmates. :) keep up the good work.
yay, good to have you back! very awesome condor photo.
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