Sunday, May 20, 2007
Yes, my camera died. A slow and painfully horrible death. We buried it in the backyard beneath the ficus tree in hopes that it will spawn a few new baby digital cameras come springtime. Fingers crossed!
Here are the last food pictures I have on my memory card until our new camera arrives:

Now, I enjoy Amy's products immensely, but I have an issue with the Soy Cheeze pizza. Why did mine come out completely unattractive compared to the one on the box cover? My cheeze did not melt nicely! Or look even remotely appealing! I got this for my kids in hopes they will start liking soy cheeze more and finally let go of dairy cheese, but I don't think this product helped much. Crunchy cheeze did not go over well. Has anyone else had this problem, and if not, how did you get the cheeze to melt properly?

For my birthday (May 3), my sister sent me the cookbook that every other vegan already has....Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World! Finally, I get to experience the cupcake hysteria! So I promptly made Cookie's and Cream cupcakes (pictured), as well as Chocolate Mint cupcakes, followed by Vanilla with Lemon Cream Cheese frosting. Happiness in a cupcake liner!

School is going swimmingly (hi Robin!), and I am finally on track with eating well and sleeping better. I guess it just took some adjustments to get into the swing of things after being away from school for so long. If anyone needs a massage, just head my way. I need the practice!
ANyway, at least it tastes food. I love those Masala Burgers...yowsa.
I have never tried Amy's soy cheese pizza, but it's a bummer that yours did not come out well. I just recently tried their no cheese one, and it was magnificent! Fabulous flavor.
Oh my god, oh my god, if I had a fruit tree (or a neighbor with a fruit tree) I'd be in heaven. I'm so jealous of your peaches! You can always blanch, peel, and freeze the ones you don't use up, for futre use or smoothies. Yum.
See, those burgers are one reason I miss Trader Joe's so much. We don't have any for hundreds of miles, and I miss their large veggie burger collection (among other things.) Boooo... =(
However, I've noticed with the Rice Crust Spinach Pizza that I have to broil the pizza a lot longer than it says to have the cheese get nice and melty. After baking, I broil it in my toaster oven 'cause my oven doesn't have a broiler (due to a cheap landloard.)
Anyhow, the first time I made it following the directions exactly, it turned out like your picture and didn't taste remotely worth while. But I tried it again and the extra broiling of the cheese, made it better.
Personally, I like the No Cheese Pizza the best.
I don't have TJ's either, so I've got to come up with a recipe for that burger! It sounds like heaven.
I dread the day my camera dies. My sympathies for yours.
Cupcakes look killer too!
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